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有益于教师职前和职后对什么有好处翻译的教育培训二profit 英 #712pr#594f#618t 美 #712prɑf#618tn利润收益对什么有好处翻译,得益红利净值利润率 vt有益于对什么有好处翻译,对有益的得益创利润 vi获利有益 1。

对什么有好处翻译_对什么有好处翻译成英语  第1张


vt有益于,对有益的得益创利润 vi获利有益 1Jennifer wasn#39t yet totally convinced that she#39d profit from a more relaxed lifestyle珍尼弗还不完全相信更轻松的生活方式会对她有好处2The artist。

我认为合资经营对双方都是有利的3This can be beneficial to both parties The client spends less money and the productsservices provider gets more business这对双方都有好处客户可以花更少的钱,而产品服务。

是be good to sb,be helpful to sb,sb gets benefit from等,主要是看看你所要翻译的句子,采用合适的单词或者词组就可以了给某人好处, 对某人有利 stand sb in good stead,给某人好处, 对某人有用 stand。

你好benefit benefit #712benifitvt vi有益于,得益 n1 益处,好处 希望对你有所帮助,望采纳。

“对什么有好处”选择句型“be good for”重点词汇锻炼身体 exercise sb#39s body有好处 It pays usefulbe good for多锻炼身体对你有好处的英语翻译还可以说Doing more exercise does you good。

to think well of sb 对某人评价高 well done 全熟 do well in 擅长 例句I see Britain did well in the discus我看英国队在铁饼项目中表现不错What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his。

be good to sb be helpful to sb sb gets benefit from看看你所要翻译的句子,采用合适的单词或者词组就可以了。

“Good for people”“对人有好处”。

it is good for us to read more books,同义句Reading more books will be beneficial to ue,这里用了两个短语,一个是good for somebody,一个是be beneficial to都是对谁有好处的意思。

be good for 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼请记得采纳,谢谢*^__^*。

Exercising a lot is good for your healthDo more exercise,it is good for you Take more exercise,it is good for you 你说的是可以的。

for对 be good for 有益于,对什么有好处 be good with 擅长,和相处得好。