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长发用英语怎么说_长发用英语怎么说?  第1张


1使用" rabbit "一词来描述动物,最不容易引发误解且通俗易懂。

2当谈论野外体型较大的兔子或者是出现在传统故事中的兔子时,使用" hare "一词。

3当谈论体型较小且可爱温顺的兔子时,使用" bunny "一词。

Hair vs Hare


英语里," hair (头发)"和" hare (野兔)"两个单词的发音一模一样,但表达的意思完全不同。" hair "是指身体上生长的毛发,一般指头发。

>>>>I will comb my hair. 我要梳头发。

>>>>She has very nice and long hair. 她有一头秀丽的长发。

>>>>I will get a haircut to change my style. 我要剪个头发来改变下我的风格。

>>>>Something without any hair is bald. 没有毛发的物体是光秃秃的。

" hare (野兔)"一词在英语里是指体型较大的兔子。在美国和英国,野兔是一种常见的动物,同时也是西方经典故事作品中经常出现的角色。 例如,《龟兔赛跑》的寓言故事。


Do you like the hair of a hare brown or white? 中文应该怎么翻译?(答案就在录音里。)


不要把注意力都放在复活节兔子的身上,其实还有很多有名的兔子哦。( Don't let the Easter Bunny steal all the spotlight, there are plenty of other famous rabbits. ) 下面我们要提到的兔子对于英语国家的人来说都非常熟悉。其中两只兔子起源于美国,另外两只则起源于英国。



Bugs Bunny

What's up Doc? This is the famous catchphrase and sarcastic greeting of the popular character of Bugs Bunny. This rabbit originated in American cartoons during the 1930s as the main character of the Looney Tunes franchise and is probably the most recognized rabbit in the world. He is a pop culture icon and has been continuously used by fashion brands and other advertisements.



Roger Rabbit

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988) is a very popular iconic American fantasy neo-film noir film. The movie is well known as a classic example of real life + animation movie making. In the film, Roger Rabbit is a famous Hollywood celebrity who needs the help of a private detective to solve a murder mystery.



The White Rabbit

Alice in Wonderlandis a very popular British story of a girl lost in a magical land. The one who leads her into this land is The White Rabbit. The author of the story, Lewis Carroll, created this character and ever since a “white rabbit” has become a metaphor for unbelievable, unusual and surreal experiences.



Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit is the title character of a collection of stories written by British author Beatrix Potter. The first story was published in 1902 and is a cute simple short story of a rabbit who disobeys his mother and gets into trouble. Ever since, Peter Rabbit has continued to be an iconic character beloved by both children and parents.

好啦,前面我们提到的那句英文 Do you like the hair of a hare white or brown? 究竟是什么意思呢?如果你听了录音就一定知道。





